
What type of volunteers are needed?
We need volunteers on the SPMS Music Boosters Board to help support the teachers with their music programs, purchases and planning of concerts and events.  

The SPMS music teachers want to know if you play a musical instrument! There is always a need for an accompanist at the concerts.  Email your child’s music teacher or Music Boosters at president@spmsmusicboosters.org

Descriptions of Board Positions and Vacancies:
Executive Board Meetings are held monthly and General Association Meetings are held quarterly.  Accompanists are needed at student concerts in December and in the Spring (March-May).

  1. President: Organize and conduct the monthly meetings, sign checks, provide support to music teachers and events. [filled]
  2. Vice President:   Supports the President role, acts as Co-President when needed. [NEEDED]
  3. Treasurer: Develops budget with teachers, writes checks, presents financial reports for meetings, collects & counts money at events, records all transactions in Quickbooks, prepares simple tax returns. [filled]
  4. 4. Secretary:   Documents minutes at all Executive and General Association meetings. [filled]
  5. Communications Director:  Manages the Music Boosters website by updating events, uploading music performance photos & videos, and takes pictures at events. [filled]
  6. Fundraiser Director:   Responsible for fundraising events such as dining out and Fall Fundraiser. [filled]
  7.  Music Fest Chair: Plan the spring Music Festival outdoor event.  Coordinate sale of food, snacks & drinks.  [NEEDED]
  8. Volunteer Coordinator: Create sign-up genius for events that need volunteers. Help recruit volunteers for board positions and events. [filled]


Class Music Tutor
Event Volunteer
Other Volunteer Options