Welcome Back

Welcome Back!

The SPMS Music Boosters Board would like to thank everyone for their support.   We have started collecting donations on behalf of all of the music programs at SPMS as well as the fifth grade bands at each of our wonderful elementary schools.  If you haven’t donated yet please consider supporting our programs.  Every dollar makes a difference.   Donate today!


Dining Out

Thank you for our successful fundraiser dining out on 8/25 at Teamorrow and Simplee Boba.  We raised much needed funds for our student music programs. Be on the lookout for our next dining out event!

Volunteer Opportunities

The SPMS Music Boosters is still seeking volunteers to fill open positions.  Current open positions are 

      • Vice President – Support the co-presidents in board activities.
      • Music Fest Chair– Plan the spring Music Festival outdoor event.  Coordinate sale of food, snacks & drinks

The SPMS music teachers want to know if you play a musical instrument! There is always a need for an accompanist at the concerts.  Email your child’s music teacher or Music Boosters at president@spmsmusicboosters.org


Meet our faculty and learn more about the music programs offered at South Pasadena schools by going to this site  SPUSD Music Arts